“A team of students, for the students.”
Mount Vernon Nazarene University Student Government Association
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Check out upcoming events on the MVNU student calendar! SGA is always planning our next event to facilitate connections among the student body. Join us at our next event!
Get up-to-date insight into the work that SGA is currently doing. If you have suggestions for things that need improved on campus that we are not already working on, let us know!
Ever wonder how to get more involved on campus? Check out this listing of the different active clubs on campus! If you want to join an existing club or start one of your own, this is the place to start.
our team
Find out who is working behind the scenes to make campus a better place this year by checking out photos and bios for our team!
Visit our intramural site to learn how to get involved on campus with different intramural sports on campus, such as sand volleyball, indoor volleyball, soccer, and basketball!
Join sga
Learn more about SGA positions and access the signup forms for all of our elections!
We Want to Hear From You!
As a representative team for the student body, we want to make sure that we are accurately advocating for you. Use the contact form below to leave us a suggestion, submit an inquiry, ask about clubs or other campus activities, or anything else you may need!