About SGA
SGA enriches the MVNU experience through intentional, Christ-centered relationships. Our purpose is to serve our campus as a voice to and for all students, while encouraging an environment that creates communal growth.
Practically speaking, this means that we work as a way to bridge the gap between the student body and concerns on campus that need addressed. We meet together as a team once a week to discuss the progress being made and think through the best ways to move forward. About once a month we plan an event as an opportunity for the student body to come together such as Welcome Week, Homecoming events, Holiday parties, Junior Senior, and Block Party.
Get involved
Interested in Student Government? Consider serving on a class council or run for a position on our team for next year!
Join our team!
Fernie Sanchez Student Body President
Hi my name is Fernie Sanchez and I’m from Honduras. I also double major in Health Science and Exercise Science.
As the student body president I am the representative to the board of trustees and work along the student life office . Also I encourage and facilitate the needs of our team by directing us towards a specific goal.
Zeke VanArsdalen
Senior Class
Hi, my name is Zeke VanArsdalen, and I am a Biology major on the Pre-Physician Assistant track.
My position as the Senior Class President involves representing the Senior class when it comes to initiatives within SGA as well as organizing and overseeing events put on. I work closely with MVNU Residential Life to ensure our students are comfortable and adjusting well to life here.
My goal is to make sure that every student feels valued and appreciated!
Tyler Maddux
Junior Class President
Hey! My name is Tyler Maddux and I am a Worship Arts Major with a Youth and Family Ministry Minor.
As the Junior Class President, I serve as a voice for the Juniors! I am here to take in your requests, questions, and concerns, and bring those to the attention of the rest of SGA. I also help lead the Junior class council and help plan events that are specifically tailored to the Junior class. This year I am particularly excited to put together the Junior-Senior class formal.
My biggest goal this year is to keep the Junior class informed and make them feel like they belong and are apart of what happens here on their campus!
Isaac Vance
Sophomore Class President
Yo Cougs! My name is Isaac Vance, and I am a double major in Business Management and Sports Management.
As the Sophomore Class President, I am privileged to serve as the class representative on SGA which allows me to help solve problems, plan events, and help lead to create an exciting and healthy culture within our sophomore class.
I am excited to see how much our class can grow together and bring a large sense of community throughout this year!
Drayton Berry Freshman Class President
Hey! My name is Drayton Berry! I am a Christian ministry major and I’m currently on the student ministry team at Crossroads Church!
I’m so excited to be the President of this freshman class! I value this position because I believe that it’s important for our class to have a voice in our school and I’m filled with gratitude to be the one that gets to represent that! I want to continue to help this community thrive and my prayer is to keep it a vulnerable and loving community amongst us!
I thank the Lord for this opportunity! Go Cougs!
Erin King
VP of Academic Life
Hi guys! My name is Erin King, and I am serving as the VP of Academic Life this year on SGA! I am a junior Biology major, and cannot wait to serve y’all this year.
As VP of Academic Life, I serve as a liaison between students and faculty and also as a liaison between the Center for Student Success and SGA.
One of my goals for this year is to revamp study spaces around campus!
AJ Coker
VP of Community Life
Hey Cougars! My name is AJ Coker and I am a senior at MVNU studying Education.
I am serving as the Vice President of Community Life on SGA this semester, meaning that I represent all commuter and transfer students to university and administration. Additionally, I also work with all campus club presidents on increasing social engagement and helping students find belonging with others who share their same interests and talents.
I love MVNU because of the welcoming community, with that, the friendships I’ve made and the potential to make more that will last our whole lives.
Caitlin Rowe
VP of Diversity and Inclusion
Hey Cougs! My name is Caitlin Rowe and I'm a General Studies Major with a Psychology and Music Minor
My job as V.P. of Diversity and Inclusion is to engage minority students (Intercultural, AIM, Students with disabilities), work in conjunction with the Assistant Vice President of Intercultural Engagement and Learning, and promote cross-cultural involvement on campus. I serve on the Diversity Committee Meeting once a month, led by the Assistant VP of Intercultural Engagement and bring the concerns of Intercultural students to SGA.
My biggest goal for this semester is to make cross-cultural engagement fun and ease the anxieties brought by language and culture barriers!
Erica Beachy
Marketing Chairperson
Hey guys! My name is Erica Beachy and I am a Marketing Major with a Graphic Design Minor.
I am the Marketing Chairperson so I oversee our promotional content that is spread around campus. I work to get the various event information out to everyone to keep them up to date on life on campus.
My biggest goal for the semester is to create fun content to share with everyone that keeps students updated and informed.
Emma More
VP of Social Life
Hey MVNU! I'm Emma More, a Finance major, and I’m thrilled to be serving as your Vice President of Social Life this year!
In this role, I have the privilege of overseeing and organizing all the campus events hosted by SGA. I also lead the Student Activities Board, which plays a crucial role in bringing these events to life—including some of my personal favorites, like Block Party and Cookie Delivery during the Spring Semester.
My top priority this year is to foster a stronger sense of belonging on campus by creating events that give students the chance to connect and build meaningful relationships with one another
Morgan Gibson
VP of Spiritual Life
Hey! My name is Morgan Gibson and I am a junior Youth and Family ministry and Pastoral ministry major!
I serve as the VP of Spiritual Life on SGA. In this position, I have the privilege to play a role in the many different spiritual formation opportunities we have on campus. Two of my main responsibilities are leading our student-led Timeout Chapel, as well as overseeing our student testimonies. In this role, I hope to help foster a community that reflects the love and compassion of Jesus in everything we do!
Kelby Perry
Events Chairperson
Hello my name is Kelby Perry and I am the SGA Events Chairperson for 2024-2025. I am a psychology major and exercise science minor.
This year I hope to see the Cougar Crazies and Claw Crew show up to athletic events eager to cheer on our MVNU Cougs!!
Delaney Brinkman
Administrative Chairperson
I am a psychology major with a Christian ministry minor.
I am delighted to be serving as the Administrative Chairperson on SGA this year. I will be helping to conduct elections and to run the SGA email account, in addition to serving at SGA events.
One of my goals for this year is to make more relationships with those on campus and be able to pour into the lives of others!!
Grace Pratt
Media Chairperson
Hi! My name is Grace Pratt and I’m a Marketing major with a minor in Graphic Design!
The Media Chairperson is in charge of running all social media, and the website for SGA. If you haven’t done so yet, give us a follow on Instagram (@lifeatmvnu) for more information on events and other campus related things! I will be at events taking some pics and videos for our socials!
My goal this year is to help create the community on campus and watch it floruish. I want to help everyone be connected and stay connected and feel like they belong.